
let’s stay in touch

“Folk wisdom is filled with ghosts who refuse to rest in their graves until their stories are told.”
—Judith Herman

Our stories — these ones, the ones we hold dear about our deepest sorrows — and the sharing of them help us to open a conversation about grief as a global community.

How and where do you talk about it, if at all?

Sharing our stories helps peel back the layers and allow the topic of death, dying, and grief to be accessible and acceptable to talk about, whether around a kitchen table, on social media, in a yoga class, street corner, or at a formal dinner with strangers.

What is your experience of grief? Who (or what) did you lose?

This is a place we can share the nitty-gritty, hard-to-tell details; the moments of heart expansion and the never-ending stories about the nights where we thought the tears wouldn’t stop.

This is a safe space for storytellers. If moved to comment on anyone’s story, please be respectful and keep in mind the guidelines for our virtual sacred space:

“No fixing, no saving, no advising, no setting anyone straight.”
Parker Palmer

August 28, 2020Our stories

One Foot In Front Of The Other

I had just found out I was pregnant with my first son when my brother was diagnosed with cancer. That was 14 years ago. He passed away a little over a month before my son was born. I was kept in the dark in order to protect the life of...

By mominahan0
June 6, 2020Our stories

The Most Convincing Truth

I missed the call from my brother-in-law. I could tell through his voice, though his voicemail didn’t say what had happened. I called back, sobbed, and wandered through the house to find Craig. I asked the airplanes about their...

By mominahan0
January 23, 2020Our stories

The Visit

Something happened. Since Cami died I have been feeling so sad. There are things people say are their loved ones visiting after they have died, like red birds and butterflies. Well, Cami had loved frogs when she was like six years old....

By mominahan0
Amy Williams Photo
December 23, 2018Our stories

How Do I Tell My Mother?

I recently received the news that my husband and I cannot have children. My entire universe had been planned around this for-sure life event–a beautiful watercolor too blurry to see the fine details but clear enough to see the...

By admin0
Denise Grief Story
December 22, 2018Our stories

Messages From Mother Nature

I arrived alone at South Carlsbad State Beach on December 30, knowing that this would be a perfect place for  me to be to digest the loss of Mike on December 4, and the preceding 2.5 years of awareness, concern, discovery and...

By admin0
Becket Berning Photo
December 22, 2018Our stories


sometimes I touch the things you used to touch hoping for a connection – an echo of you; your fingerprint marked in time and me, lost in its swirl -Becket Berning...

By admin1